Nevelex provides cloud computing engineering services with our team of certified AWS developers. Our cloud team allows you to deliver and test next generation services without a large initial investment in infrastructure. The combination of our security focused design, optimization techniques, and consumer equipment experience allows us to deliver reliable and quality focused end-to-end solutions.
Nevelex has done extensive work utilizing numerous AWS services. Some examples include:
- Micro Services Solutions - Developed and deployed an IoT messaging solution primarily utilizing IoT Greengrass, Lambda, API Gateway, RDS, SQS, SNS, & SES.
- MarketPlace Listings - Developed and deployed a SaaS Marketplace listing solution utilizing Metering Services, Cognito, Lambda, API Gateway, S3, CloudFront, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, DynamoDB, EC2, EBS, Certificate Manager, SQS, SNS, & SES.
- Data Analytics - Nevelex's Big Data team aggregates diagnostic information from our clients' embedded systems hardware to provide those clients with actionable information. This data is used to analyze the health of the systems, automatically detect potential software problems, and identify software optimization paths based on customer usage scenarios.

Connect with us on our AWS Select APN Partner page .